Free* hearing screening test

*Permanent offer

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Who should take the test and why?

If you think you have hearing problems, a simple screening test will let you know more and act accordingly. It’s also recommended to take a screening test every two years. Here are some symptoms that should alert you and signal the need for a screening test:

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  • You often make people repeat themselves;

  • You complain that people don't speak loud enough;

  • You turn up the TV to extreme volumes;

  • Whistling, ringing in the ears;

  • Difficulty understanding and hearing on the telephone;

  • Discomfort and discomfort in noisy places, loud noises;

  • Dizziness;

  • Repeated ear infections.

Hearing loss can have significant consequences on your quality of life, your work, and your relationships with others. Know how to detect the signs of hearing loss quickly. Having your hearing checked and tested lets you take control of your hearing problem quickly, so that you can correct it as soon as possible.

Don’t wait any longer! Detect the first
signs of hearing problems now!

A screening test is the first step towards a better quality of life.
Trust out professionals to help you improve your hearing health.

Why trust the professionals at Les Centres Masliah?

Les Centres Masliah is made up of 20 clinics recognized across Québec. Since 1998, the expertise of our professionals has allowed us to help over 100 000 patients.

Our experts are passionate, and they offer quality services and powerful products featuring the latest technologies that meet the needs of our patients. Our mission is to support and advise our patients from the first signs of hearing loss. By choosing Les Centres Masliah, you’ll receive helpful advice and personalized support that live up to your expectations.


Make an appointment

Meet a professional for advice that will improve your hearing health and your daily life.